Substitutes for Missing Vital Records
Critical Records to Search When You Can't Find Birth, Marriage, or Death Records of Your Ancestors.

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Can't find the birth, marriage, or death record of your ancestors? No problem.
When the vital record you need is missing, consult these unique alternative records which may reveal the missing dates and places of birth, marriage, and death, and use them as a substitutes.
Most of these records do not give an exact date, but they are very helpful in narrowing your search for the time and place. Some of the records give the exact date and place of the missing information.
Can't find the birth, marriage, or death record of your ancestors? No problem.
When the vital record you need is missing, consult these unique alternative records which may reveal the missing dates and places of birth, marriage, and death, and use them as a substitutes.
Most of these records do not give an exact date, but they are very helpful in narrowing your search for the time and place. Some of the records give the exact date and place of the missing information.